Football is the favourite game of many people. It’s not just top-level players who are doing serious training now. Many adult amateurs and children are also actively training, working on the strength and accuracy of the strike and developing coordination and endurance. And even those who are more into esports betting sometimes watch football matches and bet on them. To make any training more effective, you can use special equipment.
For Practicing Ball Handling
Dribbling drills are one of the main elements of special physical training of athletes. They are often used even for home training: you can put chips in a spacious room, in the garden, in the yard – wherever you can train.
Usually, the chips are sold in sets of a few dozen. This quantity is enough to create the conditions for practising any kind of ball control. When choosing chips pay attention to the plastic: it should not be too hard; otherwise, it will simply crack when you hit the ball.
For Making a Shot
To put the right shot, you can use a whole group of special simulators.
In the off-season, training is most often carried out away from the team. In order not to lose skills, you can buy a professional simulator for practising kicks and passes. Most often, this simulator is a reflective wall. It allows you to improve the marksmanship and accuracy of ball strikes. Absolutely indispensable in a single practice.
Not a bad simulator is a ball on a rope. Such a ball is attached directly to the player. When hitting, the ball returns to its original position, and the player does not have to catch up with it every time.
You can also improve the accuracy of passing by using a special arch. The player has to guide the ball through its hole – this improves the skills of accurate shot, ball sense, coordination.
For Speed and Coordination
Even amateur level football requires speed, strength, endurance. For the development of these skills, there are also special simulators. They are not very expensive and allow you to train in almost any environment, even with friends in the countryside.
The training ladder is suitable for the development of speed. The trainer is a ladder with plastic rungs on ribbons. The ladder is put on the floor and used as a marker for practising certain movements. The distance between the rungs is adjustable.
One can jump over the bars, train running with a high rise of the thigh, and do coordination exercises.
It’s better to choose models with carabiners at the ends of the bands. With their help, you can connect the ladders with each other.
To increase jumping height and endurance, special speed barriers are used. They can be adjusted in height.
A football player can also use a parachute to practice running speed. This device is attached to the player’s belt, prevents movement, increases stability, coordination, endurance and develops speed.
For Goalkeepers
A goalkeeper often determines the outcome of the game, so he should always be in good shape.
A special ball can come in handy for practising reactions. It does not look like a ball: each of its sides has bumps, which allow it to sharply change the trajectory of movement as it bounces off the wall or floor. The trainer develops coordination well. When buying it, pay attention to the quality of the material and colour. It is better to choose a bright ball, as it is easier to follow.
It is convenient to train muscle strength with the help of a belt expander. Elastic ropes of this trainer are attached to the gate trunk. The ropes create resistance, so with regular training, stamina and strength improve.